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Private Sessions

As in Toni and Denise! – Blast through the blockages that are holding you back from your authentic voice. This session of self-inquiry will assist you in creating a practice of mindful singing. To find out more, contact us to book a 15 minute free call!

T-N-D Explosive Sessions

Denise’s Offerings

Healthy Voice Protocol

This dynamic six-month-long program is offered twice yearly and is guaranteed to change your life! In January of 2021, Dr. Bernardini and a sports medicine practitioner launched a study to discover the relationship between diet, supplementation, breathwork, and movement practices to overall vocal health. Sign up for the next Healthy Voice Initiative Webinar for a preview of the overall protocol program.

Private Voice Lessons

If you need help technically as a singer this is Denise’s jam!  As a vocal technician who works with various kinds of technology such as Voce Vista (a visual spectrographic analysis of your voice) and other biofeedback modalities, Dr. Bernardini can help you discover why you may feel the voice is not as efficient as you would like it to be and she can help you understand what it means to be a resonant singer.

Life Coaching

As a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis Practitioner, Denise loves to help artists break through mindset issues to see the bigger picture.  If you are working on a major project and feel overwhelmed by the to-do list, Denise can help you bring clarity and streamline the process.  Whether you need support as a performer or if you have issues within other aspects of your life, Denise loves to help create a personalized plan to help get off high and center and create the momentum you desire.

Toni’s Offerings

Private Voice Lessons

Armed with the tools of mindfulness, she can help you get in the driver’s seat for your vocal growth! Don’t let fear hold you back from jumping in and exploring the gifts of awareness and self-inquiry that studying your own unique voice can provide. While classical training is her primary area of expertise, she is also available to help singers train in other styles of music. For those who are interested, Toni incorporates yoga poses as part of the voice lesson process.


Come explore the benefits of breathwork and yoga in a safe nurturing private environment.  Practicing yoga is about so much more than simply stretching your body. Your mind and spirit can stretch and grow in the process as well! If you feel uncomfortable attending a yoga studio, this is a safe way to dip your toes in the water and give it a try!

Italian Lessons

Would you like to move beyond “Ciao” and “Dov’è il bagno?” Would you enjoy speaking Italian on your next trip to Italy? Or maybe it’s just time to finally pursue your dream of speaking Italian! Learning another language is brain candy for the mind and Italian can be especially enriching for your vocal training. Toni would love to share her passion for the Italian language with you. Of course, you can expect the lessons to be filled with fun songs, poems, games, and playful learning. No need to purchase a heavy grammar book!

Come Explore

Whether you sing on the stage or in the shower, the hidden treasure of singing is uncovering the mindfulness practice hidden below the surface.

Learn more about this right now on our podcast.

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